Other Stuff

Here goes nothing…

Hi… I’m Jennifer, otherwise known as Forty, Fat, and Fabulous. I am a music educator by trade with a passion for fashion, food, travel, reading, and Disney magic. For years I have had friends encourage me to start a blog, sharing my thoughts about the things I enjoy. So, I guess I am finally taking them up on it.

My goal as a blogger is to create body positive content that encourages people to live out loud… no matter your size, your age, or whatever else! Kindness, authenticity, unapologetic living, and adventure… that’s what I’m trying to embrace on my journey.

This blog will include my thoughts on the world of fashion, food, and travel, specifically as they relate to plus size people over forty. But really, I hope it is interesting to everyone. Plus, I am sure there will be thoughts about cooking, reading, fat fitness, and dachshunds!

Come join me as I try to make a splash in the vast blogger world.

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